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Trade shows can be hard work. They can also be incredibly fun, and exceptionally rewarding. The key to success is to come up with a few trade show booth ideas that will really make sure that you stand out from the crowd. Even the newest company can compete with the big boys. All that is needed is a little creativity, well-trained staff, and an innovative approach.

For example, you can really make your trade booth stand out when you use pipe and drape tricks including matching corporate colors, images, and imaginative lighting.

Here are five more ways in which you can get your trade show booth noticed, even at the most crowded expo.

1. Uniforms and themed dress

A corporate uniform matching your booth color scheme will give your booth and personnel a readily recognizable look. Some of your people could be prospecting a few meters away, and immediately be associated with your booth. It’s a great way of extending the reach of your booth.

Another great way of creating a buzz around your booth is to dress your people in clothes that match a product. Especially if you have a new product to sell, themed outfits act like an advert for both company and product. For example, let’s say you develop and sell board games and your latest product is an interactive family game based on Caribbean pirates. Get your people to dress in full pirate regalia, challenging passers-by to ‘walk the plank’ to your booth.

2. Go large with your gimmicks

It’s great to have a gimmick at your booth. One that gets people talking and acts as a focal point. You could combine this with your themed costumes. For example, your people could give ‘prize doubloons’ away, encouraging people to claim their prize form the giant, six-foot parrot positioned at the front of your trade booth.

3. Create free mobile advertising

Consider giving away a free item of clothing. Make it something that people will want to wear, and give them an incentive to wear it around the trade show. For example, a shirt or sweater with your company logo or product printed on it. Let visitors know that if you see them with it on at the convention’s networking events, you’ll buy them a beer. You’ll be surprised at the buzz a few dozen people wearing your corporate slogan can create.

4. Invest in custom-made banners

When you’ve attended a few trade shows, you know how to get maximum benefit from trade show banners. Tips and tricks to make your trade banners work their hardest include:

  • Have your banner professionally designed
  • Place text at the top
  • Don’t overdo the graphics
  • Pay attention to positioning
  • Never clutter your trade booth with banners
  • Always include a call-to-action

Adding imaginative drapes and lighting will help your booth pop.

5. Create a video and play it on loop

A video, projected onto the rear wall of your trade booth, can be used to show your product to passers-by. It will entice people to come and request more information, and free your people to conduct meaningful meetings with prospects who have already been warmed up by the video.

To discuss how Main Attractions could help you stand out at your next trade show, contact us today

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